有害事業廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口列管品目 |
序號 | 中文名稱 | 英文名稱 | 備註 |
001 | 混合五金廢料 | Mixed metal scrap | C.C.C.CODE 8112.91.21.00-4 |
002 | 含多氯聯苯廢電容器 | Waste condenser containing polycholorinated biphenyls | C.C.C.CODE 8112.91.21.00-4 |
003 | 含多氯聯苯廢變壓器 | Waste electric transformer containing polycholorinated biphenyls | C.C.C.CODE 8112.91.21.00-4 |
004 | 廢鉛酸蓄電池 | Waste lead-acid accumulators | C.C.C.CODE 7802.00.00.00-6 |
主要成分為有機化合物之廢棄物,可能包含金屬及無機物 | Wastes containing princlpally or-ganic constituents,which may con-tain metals and inorganic materials | ||
005 | 含有、或被以下化合物污染之廢棄物:多氯聯苯(PCB) 和/或多氯三聯苯(PCT)和/ 或多溴聯苯(PBB) ,包括其他聚溴的類似化合物,而其化合物濃度50mg/kg以上者 | Wastes,substances and articles Containing,consisting of or con-taminated with polychlorinated bipheny(PCB)and/or polychlorinated terphenyl(PCT) and/or polybromi-nated biphenyl (PBB).including any other polybrominated analogues of these compounds, at a concentration level of 50mg/kg or more | C.C.C.CODE 8112.91.21.00-4 |
006 | 經由精煉、蒸餾和任何熱分解處理的廢焦油殘渣(不包括瀝青) | Waste tarry residues (excluding asphalt cements) arising from re-fining, distillation and any py-rolitic treatment of orgainc materials | |
主要成分為無機化合物之廢棄物,可能包含金屬及有機物 | Wastes containing principally in-organic constituent, which may contain metals and organic mate-rials | ||
007 | 石綿(粉塵或纖維狀物質) | Asbestos (dusts and fibres) | |
008 | 物理化學性質類似石綿之陶瓷基纖維 | Ceramic based fibres of phys-ico-chemical characteristics similar to those of asbestos | |
含有或被下列物污染之廢棄物 | Wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents Wastes that contain,consist of or are contaminated with any of the following: | ||
009 | 任何多氯化二苯駢夫喃之類似物 | Any congenor of poly-chlorinated dibenzo-furan | |
010 | 任何多氯化二苯戴奧辛之類似物 | Any congenor of poly-chlorinated dibenzo-dioxin | |
011 | 含鉛抗震、防爆用化合物之污泥 | Leaded anti-knock compound sludges | |
012 | 除過氧化氫外之過氧化物 | Peroxides other than hy-drogen peroxide |
序號 | 中文名稱 | 英文名稱 | 備註 |
01 | 其他鉛廢料及碎屑 | Other lead waste and scrap | C.C.C.CODE 7802.00.00.00-6 |
02 | 鎘廢料及碎屑 | Waste and scrap cadmium | C.C.C.CODE 8107.10.20.00-0 |
03 | 鉻廢料及碎屑 | Waste and scrap chromium | C.C.C.CODE 8112.20.20.00-1 |
說明: |
依據「有害事業廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口管理辦法」第五條規定,第一類有害事業廢棄物禁止輸入。 |
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